Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No technology day..

Day 29: Turn off your phone, computer, or TV today when your child is with you.

I don't know how to start this one, so I will just jump into it.  I decided to make sure the computer and TV were off all day today.  I am a work-at-home mommy so I had to leave my phone on and answer it accordingly.  I didn't realize how much attitude this would bring out of my children and myself!!

I let my children sleep in more then normal today which was good because Wednesday is staff meeting day.  Before the meeting we have breakfast and start off pretty normal.  G man leaves the table to go play and Little miss and I are right behind him!  We played super heroes and got in the bat cave and fought crime!!  I, of course, was the bad guy.    At my meeting G man acted like a fool in front of my bosses and co-workers!!  All I can think of is, "How does this make me look??  I teach the parenting course and I can't control this 4 year old right now!"  Well needless to say I stayed calm and tucked that 4 year old in my legs and held him in time out.  He screamed, my boss spoke louder and we continued our meeting and no one (openly) judged me.  Finally he calmed down and I let him go.  Then Little miss started in!  She was tired so I tried to rock her.  A little known secret about this little one is that she likes to be laid in a dark room with the door closed and put herself to sleep.  She does not like to be rocked!!!  After a squirming battle the meeting ended and I went home and laid her in her crib! It seemed to just get worse.  No matter what we did one of the 3 of us were grouchy.  We played outside, we went on a bike ride, chores, school work, lunch, and finally we escaped and went to the neighbors!!  Nothing was fun.  I cried more then once today because I was exhausted and worn out.  G man got more and more excited and out of control.  Little miss was just all smiles!

At church tonight a good friend told me that she has enjoyed my blog and I could only laugh because of the day we had!!  I guess though out of the 30 days 1 bad day is to be expected!! Once my husband got home and we went to church things got back on track and we were back to normal.  I don't think that technology is a bad thing and in moderation it is fine.  We tried too hard to entertain each other all day long and it became no fun very quickly! Tomorrow is a new day and we are ready for it!!

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