Thursday, April 5, 2012

I am immune to your sarcasm

Day 23: Replace sarcasm with kindness.

I have been waiting and waiting for the perfect time to use this... "Sarcasm in anger in a clown suit!" - Patsy Clairmont.

I know that sarcasm in an ineffective tool and quite frankly will back fire with a young child anyway.  Just the other day G man was acting like a knuckle head and he knocked over a glass plate of cookies.  My motherly response, "Who does that!!"  G man's 4 yr. old response, "ME!" with a big grin on his face!  He had know idea how mad I was.  He had no idea how his actions caused something bad to happen.  I hadn't told him, all I did was become reactive.  This is not a quality I want for my children to have.

Today I haven't gotten to spend as much time with my kids as a normal day so I haven't had the chance to "mess up" on this challenge.  I will continue to replace my sarcastic and ineffective responses with kind ones.  Children from modeling and I desire to be a model of kindness for them to look to.  We all know the saying about catching more flies with honey, well I hope that my children are likable and kind to be around.  It is our job as there parents to show them and teach them how to do this.

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