Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mommy to a little girl (Part 2 of 4)

Little Miss has changed our lives in ways so different from G man.  For one thing, I thought we were prepared for the emotions.  I had them with G man and knew what to expect and yet her she came and scared me to death, filled me with joy, made my heart so full I didn't know what to do, and gave me a smile I couldn't contain!!

1. Bows and lace!  For those that know me know that I don't wear make-up.  I don't do anything to my hair except flat iron it straight and then tuck it behind my ears.  I rarely get dolled up.  When I found out God was giving us a girl I immediately filled with fear!  I just knew that she was a boy and I was prepared to have a boy.  I was so nervous because I was never going to learn how to make bows or have enough fashion sense to dress her.  Well it didn't take long for me to snap out of that!! A couple of youtube videos on bow making, 4 FULL bow holders, a closet full of lace and tulle, and a rotten little girl who is always dolled up... I think I figured it out!

2. Girls have a bravery that is undeniable.  This child has no fear!!!!!!!  As some would say, "she'll only do it once,"  you are all wrong!!  Even after falling or getting hurt she will get right back up and do it again.  She loves playing with her very imaginative brother and she isn't afraid to "abandon ship" when the ship (couch) hits rough water.  She dives into pillows and chases monsters out of the castle!   Not only is she brave but she is tough.  For a long time we didn't think she felt pain.  This is funny to us now but at first was very scary.  She had some very painful illnesses and she showed no sign of pain.  She rarely cries because of a hurt.  She had a rough start and had to literally fight for each breath.  We watched her through glass for days as she struggled to breathe.  I blame her "tough" start on her "tough" personality!!
3. Legos or baby dolls?  Legos for this girl!!  Like I said anything that brother is playing with is exactly what she is doing.  I am surprised to see that even though she plays all day with bubba she picks up her baby and cradles her, feeds her, and takes her to bed with her every night.  I say I am surprised because this isn't something that we taught her to do.  She is surrounded by legos and super heroes all day and then her "mommy" side comes out and she has to make sure her baby is taken care of before bed.  G man would play with babies when he was younger but never with the softness.  I love the different ways God's design for these children shows through.

4. Soft kisses and bossy babbles!  She is going to have a lot to say when she figures it out!  She has some bossy babbles going on even some finger pointing, but she can give the sweetest kisses!  She has showed me that love and compassion is something that is taught.  Growing up in church I heard that we are born in sin, but I couldn't imagine how a sweet precious baby could sin, now I know.  She has to learn how to be kind, share, and show love even if she is mad!  (I am still learning some of that!)     
5. All kids are different.  My pregnancies were different, (well for one I didn't find out I was pregnant with Little miss until almost 5 months and then had her a month early!!!) their starts were different, and now they are so much different.  I should have noticed it sooner but it didn't set in until Little miss was about 10 months old.  G man walked at 9 months and never crawled and Little miss crawled for 13 months before walking!!  The techniques we used to soothe or discipline G man have had NO affect on Little miss.  I tell you all of this to make the point that she changed my life in an entirely different way.  With G man I feared the boogie man or Pedophile Pete were going to kidnap him or that I would lose him in a wreck or other accident.  With Little miss I had more 'rational' fears that she would stop breathing.  Her lungs weren't ready and we fought different breathing struggles until recently.  In my prayer life I plead for their salvation, safety, future, and healthy development just as I did with G man; now I also recognize that these children aren't mine and I have no control over the irrational scenarios I come up with.  These are God's children he gave them to me and I love them so much and want to help them make fun memories while learning and living life together!!!

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