OK now back to business. I am excited about this 4 part blog post. I have been wrestling on what to post then at Women of Faith God reveled to me about some parts that needed to be included and the rest just came from there!
This post is all about being the Mommy to a boy. There are 6 things that being G man's mommy has opened my eyes to.
1. Clean is not clean enough!! I thought the hardest thing about being newly weds was the adjustment I had to make to living with a boy. Yeah I grew up with a younger brother but my Mom cleaned after him, now that I am married I was the one who has to clean up after my husband!! Well no mess my husband made could ever compare to the mess this beautiful little boy was going to bring to our lives!! lets start with bathroom mats, I cleaned them before having my boy but after potty training I never knew how much I would have to clean them! It doesn't matter if he sits or tires to stand there is going to be a pee soaked bath rug!!! That is just one of many examples!!
2. Mohawks and rain boots! I never knew how adorable a fashion fo paux could be! This little man will wear his rain boots with ANYTHING! I mean we have summers where 99 degrees is a low and G man is out there in shorts and rubber rain boots! I can't help but smile every time I see him. During his last hair cut he was fighting it so I asked him what would make him be still and not cry. He wanted a "rocking awesome" haircut so a mohawk it was! I HATE it!! He LOVES it!! So because he is so in love with it I would never let him know that I don't, and if you happen to run into him he will have a mohawk! :)
3. Blue eyes! I never thought someone would be able to pull a sweet little innocent look on me and it would work!!!!!!! This rotten boy can shoot me a million dollar smile and flash those baby blues and all I want to do is hug on him.
4. Boys can be sensitive! According to the world's thought boys aren't suppose to be sensitive or emotional. But this little boy feels the pain or emotions of those around him. He is so rough with his sister but when he does actually hurt her it breaks his heart and he cries harder then she does. The job I have is at a group home type of setting where families (single women and their children) come in and live in the house attached to ours and we love on them and the kids play together. We have been here almost a year and in that time we have said goodbye to 3 families which translates to 8 kids that he has cried over. He loves friends and is saddened when they move. This boy does wear his emotions on his sleeve.
5. Dangerous! G man can turn any game into an ER trip!! OK so we have only been to the ER with him once, but there were SEVERAL times I thought we would have to. This kid loves excitement. He builds things to jump off of! His favorite game is to take all of the pillows and pile them into the floor and jump into them. It is his pool! He told me the other day he wants to go in a hot air balloon and then jump out of an airplane!! I am excited about this because I need a roller coaster buddy, I just have to wait for him to grow a little more.
6. Changed my life. People have said and will continue to tell others that children will change your life. Nothing someones else says will prepare you for how much they will change your life. All of sudden I couldn't watch the news. Violence against children just broke me and the news was filled with it. I could come up with crazy scenarios of what might happen to this precious gift that God gave me. I watched him sleep and would cry! The amount of love I have for him in my heart is enough to make me cry. It is crazy!!! I am not a crazy person... REALLY! He not only changed the way I think but the things I do. All of sudden we weren't having date nights alone! We were going to the drive in movies with G man! He also changed my prayer life! I went from praying in the now and being a pretty selfish prayer to praying for his future, his salvation one day, and his life!
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