Day 7: Be patient through all the lessons today.
As all parents know nothing can ruin your day more than when we are in such a rush or caught up with life that we lose our patience with our kids. When we are impatient we create an environment for our kids to feel anxious, frustrated, and unworthy of our time. Some days school (when I say school I mean the sit down instruction) seems rushed and thrown into our daily schedule. Wednesdays especially when I spend my morning in meetings, we eat lunch, get chores done, prepare and go to Taekwondo, get ready for church/Awana, then we always eat out on Wednesday nights so it is bedtime when we get home!! So you can see how we rush school into our schedule.
On these busy days when we do the sit down work it is easy to become impatient when G man isn't taking it serious. Little miss can easily throw a wrench in the day if her school play isn't up to her expectations that day. Yesterday we started out our busy day and when it came time to do the sit down work and neither child was in the mood. Instead of forcing school and making it very unproductive and no fun we changed our day. We had a Love of Math day instead. G man picked out numbers in the different places we were and then practiced counting to that number. He got so wrapped up in what numbers have to do with our lives and he started asking about ages, height, and weight!! Little miss explained to him that he was five (true), she was four (false she is 2), and Mommy is five (obviously false!) G man corrects her and says Mommy is 6 and a half!! He asked Little miss about how much she weighed which of course she responded with her favorite number four again. What do you think Mommy weights? Oh why would I ask that and then G man says the worse thing ever... "I can't count that big!!"
Luckily homeschool is more than curriculum and school work. When we have rough days or school doesn't happen that day we are still ok. Learning takes place in unlikely places and all the time. My personality wants everything to be black and white and fit nicely into a schedule but life just doesn't work that way! My kids don't work that way!
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