Thursday, May 9, 2013

Am I doing enough?

Day 6: Breath deep and relax, your kids are just fine.

After homeschool convention last weekend I came back and looked over our curriculum choices for next year.  I rewrote our schedule for the school day.  I looked over what subjects were being taught.  I then looked over the piles and piles of laundry and continued worrying about school.  Am I including enough subjects? What about a foreign language? Should I start something more structured with Little miss?  Keep in mind my kids are only 5 and 2!!  I was making myself crazy then I remembered something that happened the week before.

Sitting in the school room going over G man's math paper when Little miss asks for the crayon box.  I handed her the box and made sure she had a color book (I learned my lesson after her and I had to clean marker and crayon off the walls!) and went back to working with G man.  As we are setting up the counting blocks to again work on simple addition I hear Little miss' sweet little voice sing saying her color words.  I look over and she is saying the right word to the right color.  I was floored!  I haven't worked on colors hardly at all this year!  G man knows his colors so we talk about them briefly here and there.  To make sure it isn't a fluke I hold up a yellow crayon and say, "What color is this?"  She gives me the funniest look and says yellow.  I go on with pink, red, green, blue, purple, and orange to which she got them all right except orange!!!  What!?!?!?  When did this happen?  Who taught her that? God reminds me daily that I am doing what He called me to do with my children and the only explanation for my children learning when their was no teaching is that He is in control of our homeschool.

As I look back on that incident many more come to mind.  I then rewrote everything again a little less stressed out about it this time!  I also answered my own questions from above.  I am including enough subjects and most of them are intertwined. (My fellow USAO graduates know why I refuse to use the word interdisciplinary.) I should start a foreign language because G man is already convince he speaks French because he knows one term... cheese omelet.  Little miss needs structure of a daily schedule and she is absorbing more than I could imagine.  

The speaker at the convention opening was Michael Smith from the HSLDA was amazing and explained his and his wife's journey to becoming a homeschool family.  He mentioned a phrase that I have heard many times before but didn't hold onto until this time.  He said that we are raising them for Heaven not Harvard and their world view and future salvation should be our main concern because God will fill in the gaps.  He has already proved that to us in our schooling journey.

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