Saturday, April 20, 2013

Let's plan!

Day 2: Plan together one thing you've always wanted to learn about.

We have had a very busy Saturday today but it was the perfect day for us (G man and I) to sit down and plan out a project.  There was some planning that had to do with just me.  I had already planned to finish our curriculum in the upcoming month, but we will continue math and some reading through out the summer.  This may be a project that we begin during the summer on top of our continued work.

I explained what a project is and what it might look like.  Gibson thought for a minute and said he likes the Moon, doing school work, Transformers, and watching TV.  Since our school work consists of thematic units we have already completed a unit study on the moon.  I was overjoyed that he listed school in his list of likes.  Transformers are awesome toys but what type of project could we do with that?  So I ran with TV.  I told him that we couldn't just watch TV for our project but we could create our own TV show if he wanted to do that.  His eyes lit up and he started telling me all kinds of ideas for his show.  Jackpot!!

Now we get to start really planning.  Are we going to do a web show or video camera?  Are we going to have a script or wing it? Are we going to use drawings, people, or toys to portray it?  Who is going to pay for the costs?  What topic will our show be about? Is it a continuing show with episodes or a short movie?  We are busy busy busy trying to rein in our ideas.  We may not be able to wait until the summer!!

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