Friday, May 11, 2012

Clothes are everywhere!!!

Day 2: clothes

The only thing I can say about this is that I HATE folding laundry!  I have all of the clothes in our home clean but they are just thrown on top of my bed!  I want to do things with my kids instead.  I have a routine and laundry just doesn't fit into it :) I clean the kitchen before waking the kids, wake everyone and get dressed, breakfast, go on morning route, homeschool lesson, nap time (my quiet time), lunch, play play play, start making dinner.
I have ranted enough about my hate of folding clothes so I will tell you a positive to my lack of folding.  My dear sweet husband will always help me fold! I love folding nights with him even though he may not feel the same.  During these times we get to talk about the work week, the kids behaviors, school progress, and many many other things.  I love quality conversation with him and we are being productive!

This picture is Little Miss' closet!!  I love buying clothes for her!  She also gets excited about shopping!  We are going to be trouble for Daddy later on!!

G man has been practicing folding towels and now he loves helping put up his clothes after we fold them.  This is his drawer of how they look after he carries them from the bedroom to his dresser.  I am learning to not sweat the small things... and this just makes my heart happy!!

After all of this I still don't feel ashamed of the pile of laundry on my bed I think it shows how much more important playing and parenting are then the chores!!  Besides laundry talk with my hubby is too much fun to start folding laundry everyday ;)

Hope you enjoyed!!

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