Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bad Habits...

Day 5: A bad habit

Haha!! Well my idea for this day was to get a good picture of Little miss picking her nose!  She didn't do it at all when I had my camera out!!!  And for G man I wanted to get him touching his ear while he drank his milk, and yet again it didn't happen.  So plan B... our biggest bad habit is that we drink WAY TOO MUCH chocolate milk.  I joke that my kids would have to have it intravenously!  We have a new rule that they have to drink a water cup or a juice cup before they get a chocolate milk cup.  Will little miss pretends to choke on her water and coughs and then G man tries his best to convince me that the water is burning his throat!!  They are so funny... and hard headed!!  My husband and I are just the same though only our vice is Diet Coke!!  We go through more 12 packs and bottles of chocolate syrup in a week then I care to share!!

Well there ya have it... the ugly side!! :)

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