Wednesday, March 14, 2012

30 Day Mommy Challenge!!! So excited!

Ok so I have completed a 30 day challenge on how to encourage your husband and I loved doing it.  I came across this challenge and I can't wait to complete the next 30 days!!! (At the bottom under LINK LOVE you can find the blog that I got the 30 day challenge from.)

Day 1 "Ask: What is 1 thing we can do together this month?"  This one is easy! I have a 4 year old nature crazy boy all we have to do is spend some time together outside or at a park and he is happy!  We go to the park often so I decided that we should spice it up some and do something that we don't usually do.  Saturday will be St. Patrick's day and this is our theme that we are studying this week as well as who is St. Patrick. On Friday night we are going to build a leprechaun trap and go on a leprechaun scavenger hunt.  Daddy is going to read the clues to G and they are going to hunt down the gold treasure.  I can't wait!!

There are a lot of fun leprechaun traps on Pinterest if you are interested and here!!!

I always like to use literature to teach and help kids understand different things and this book and a wonderful one about who St. Patrick is!

The reason that I am doing this!!

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