Today's verse is Song of Solomon 5:10-16. It is a rather long and beautiful passage!!!
10 My beloved is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand.
11 His head is purest gold; his hair is wavy and black as a raven.
12 His eyes are like doves by the water streams, washed in milk, mounted like jewels.
13 His cheeks are like beds of spice yielding perfume. His lips are like lilies dripping with myrrh.
14 His arms are rods of gold set with topaz. His body is like polished ivory decorated with lapis lazuli. 15 His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as its cedars. 16 His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.
Today's challenge is to focus on how wonderfully made your husband is. Remind him about what physical characteristics made you fall in love with him. I love Cory so much and of course I think that he is the most handsome man on this earth!!! One of my favorite parts of my husband that I know God made intentionally for me are his eyes. I love the color of his eyes and I especially love how I can read so much from his eyes!!! He was perfectly made by God who knew what I needed.
Thanks for reading!!
I have finally decided to let you know that I have been reading your blogs through my reader feed...I am such a creeper :) You are such a great wife and mommy! I miss you!