Thursday, June 30, 2011


Today's verse: "In all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works..." Titus 2:7a

Cory is very persistent in his devotion to seek God.  He is a wonderful leader for our family. This is his pattern of  good that his shows in his life.  I am so excited to see Gibson follow Cory's example of chasing after God.  Even when God slams the door in Cory's face he gets right back up and finds a new door.  I on the other hand stare at the open door and think about all the what if's before I ever take the first step.  Most of the time it isn't a step but a hard shove from my husband.  His persistence and drive is something that I ADMIRE about my husband!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Encouraging words

Today's verse: "Let your speech always be with grace..." Col. 4:6a

Today is a challenge to always build your husband up in front of others.  This seems to be something the challenge talks about every day and yet I struggle with it every day!!!  Today I was so frustrated with Cory and others heard a phone conversation with me getting short and upset.  :(  If they could have heard the other side of that conversation they would have heard my husband trying to tell me where he was and trying to find out where I was.  (We were in the same building)  Think about how your words affect how others view your husband, you have a powerful tool in your words.  I need prayer that I will never let others see my frustrations.  Cory is a wonderful husband and I get frustrated mainly because he doesn't always hear me... he has a lot of hearing loss in one ear and literally can't hear me!  How unfair that I let that frustrate me!! This man comes home from a hard day of work and compliments me on the cleaning I did and then cooks us dinner!!  What could there be to gripe about!!!  I love him!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Material things

Today's verse: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you." Matt. 6:33

Today I am grateful for Cory's eternal perspective.  We have had issues with this in the past.  It is hard to not focus on money when you don't have enough of it.  Times have been hard here lately with job changes and waiting on that first check to come.  Through all of this Cory has continually said to me that it is nothing to worry about and God will provide.  As usual God is providing.  I am so thankful that I will get to reside with this loving, compassionate, and providing God!!

Cory doesn't get too caught up with materialistic things.  Even though paintball and guitars are expensive hobbies I know that Cory would give them up over providing for his family and ministry.  The Revive Our Hearts website says that only two things go into eternity... people and the Word of God.  Cory and I have the same eternal goals and we rejoice in them daily and pray hard that our children will share in this with us.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Today's verse: "And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ 
also forgave you." Eph. 4:32 

Today the challenge asked that wives look into their own hearts and make sure that you aren't holding any grudge toward your husband as you take this 30 day challenge.  I have a secret... I get to tell Cory every little thing that bugs me about him and he doesn't even know :)  Cory has severe hearing loss in his right ear, so when I am mad I can "give it to him" on his right side.  I feel better because I got it off my chest and he didn't have to hear how mean I was!!!  If it is something serious Cory and I are really good at dealing with it.  It may not be right away but we will set aside the time to talk things out.  Cory is a very forgiving person when it comes to me and I love him for that.  I haven't seen him harbor any hurtful feelings toward anyone.  God has truly blessed me with him!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hey good lookin'

Today's verse is Song of Solomon 5:10-16.  It is a rather long and beautiful passage!!!
10 My beloved is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. 
11 His head is purest gold; his hair is wavy and black as a raven. 
12 His eyes are like doves by the water streams, washed in milk, mounted like jewels. 
13 His cheeks are like beds of spice yielding perfume. His lips are like lilies dripping with myrrh. 
14 His arms are rods of gold set with topaz. His body is like polished ivory decorated with lapis lazuli. 15 His legs are pillars of marble set on bases of pure gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as its cedars. 16 His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.

Today's challenge is to focus on how wonderfully made your husband is.  Remind him about what physical characteristics made you fall in love with him.  I love Cory so much and of course I think that he is the most handsome man on this earth!!!  One of my favorite parts of my husband that I know God made intentionally for me are his eyes.  I love the color of his eyes and I especially love how I can read so much from his eyes!!! He was perfectly made by God who knew what I needed.  

Thanks for reading!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Today's verses: "You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy...Happy are the
people whose God is the LORD!" Ps. 16:11a; 144:15b and, "A merry heart does good like medicine..." Prov. 17:22

Today the challenge was to take joy in your husband's playful side.  Cory has a wonderfully playful spirit!!  Gibson is always excited to see Daddy after work because he knows that Daddy will play hot wheels.  I love hearing Cory crack up at jokes or funny movies.  Lennon just loves to hear Daddy's voice. Cory has a heart of joy and can help keep my worrying side at bay!!  I am so grateful to have a husband who will joke with me and laughs often.  Thank you God for filling my joy and giving me happiness in our marriage.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today's verse: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One
is understanding." Prov. 9:10

Today the challenge asked wives to look at themselves and see if we are full of Godly wisdom.  We were then reminded that a wise wife encourages her husband!!  I have been encouraging Cory daily now in many different categories... even on those difficult days when all I know to say is, "Have a nice day!!"

Today I was challenged to also think about Cory's wisdom.  March 15, 2010 I was 18 weeks pregnant when I went into labor.  I called my mom to take me to the hospital and I went into a full delivery of a baby boy named Russ.  (Gibson named him)  During this hard time of loss and pain Cory was full of the wisdom of God.  He encouraged me every day and spoke God's word to me.  We prayed and prayed together and our love grew so much stronger then I thought possible.  Cory is a joker 99% of the time, but when really tested or needed by others is ready and willing to be used by God.

The challenge today is to talk to your husband and know his plan for your families future and talk about that together.  That is what I plan on talking about tonight with Cory.  I am pretty sure I already know what he is going to say!!!  I love him so much and more and more every day!

Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Perfect Friends

Today's verse: "And the LORD God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a
helper comparable to him." Genesis 2:18

Today's challenge is to look at yourself as the companion God made for your husband.  Are you being a friendly companion or are you cutting him down??  Thank also about your husband as your perfect companion.  As I was reading this verse it took me back to Bro. Paul Kersh who helped us through our premarital counselling.  I remember us really looking at this verse and talking about the idea of us being made to better each other.  That thought took me to every time we are around family and jokes get cracked and Cory and I "speak our own language" so family thinks!!  We have the same humor and can take the smallest thing and go on and on and on and on with it cracking only ourselves up!!!  (Dustin is usually laughing too)  I see this truth spoken every day in my marriage that we were made for each other.  My hope for myself is that I am daily letting Cory know how happy I am to be his God sent companion and to become more aware of when I cut him down.

Thanks for reading!  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Go with me!

Today's verse: "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..." 2 Pet.

Today the challenge is to think about your husband's spiritual development.  As a wife it is our responsibility to encourage and not hinder that development.  My husband uses his talents in an amazing way to praise God.  He plays in the praise band during our church service.  Growing up he wanted to be a "rock star" and although I know he still wants to move off to Nashville and make it big, his satisfaction comes from being able to please God through his music.  Not only does he use his talents to serve God but he also goes into uncomfortable situations in which he doesn't have a talent for... teaching! Cory has taken the role of teacher for the college class and even let me rope him into co-teaching young crafts during VBS with my Daddy!!

I know 3 amazing women who go to church every time the doors open with just them and their children.  One thing that I took for granted is that Cory goes to church with me and enjoys doing so.  I love him more and more everyday and am thankful that he attends church and encourages me daily.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 20, 2011


Today's verse: "The righteous man walks in his integrity..." Prov. 20:7

Today's challenge is to find something that your husband reacted to with honesty and integrity and share with others.  How appropriate this challenge is today when so many politicians are caught cheating on their wives or caught up in porn addictions.  Cory is a man of honesty.  He is honest during paintball events when it is so easy and tempting to cheat, especially when they were playing a team who were obviously cheating.  He That is just one of many reasons why my husband is an honest man.  He is such an example for our children to live up to and I am so grateful to have him to be our spiritual leader in our family.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Brown Chicken Brown Cow!!

Today's verse: "I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me." Song of Solomon 7:10

Today's challenge is about the bedroom!!  Today I am reminded that sex is a very important role in any marriage.  The website even states that it is as important as finances and children; it can help your marriage or ruin it.  The website says not to let your mind wander during intimate times and let your husband know the ways he makes you feel.

With all of that being said I will let my experience on this particular challenge stay in our bedroom :) As my son would say... brown chicken brown cow!!

Thanks for reading!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Eyes of Grace!!

Today's verse: "With all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love."
Eph. 4:2

Today's challenge is to take a look back and check if you are encouraging your husband and saying positive things to him and about him.  We need to remember that God is the only one who can meet all of our expectations.  We need to look at our husbands through "eyes of grace."  We need God's help to see that grace.  Thank your husband for what he is already doing.

How appropriate this challenge is today since Father's day is tomorrow!!  I have been planning on how to thank him for his wonderful job as a father.  Today I have thanked him for more then just being a loving father.  My prayer after today is that I remember that griping about past incidents, nagging, and passive aggressive behavior WILL NOT change any situation.  Thanking my husband for what he did do instead of being upset for what he didn't do is how I can look at him with "eyes of grace."  Conversation is so important in our marriage and if I can talk to him about problems instead of nag and complain then we are more likely to solve the problem instead of carry it on and make it more of a problem.  I believe this challenge has more to do with my attitude then anything Cory can do.  I have to learn to be slower to anger or at least know to walk away for a while and then come back and address the situation.  I would ask that you would pray for that need in my life for me.

Thanks for reading!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Today's verse: "Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord." Eph. 5:2

I knew this verse would come up!!  The dreaded submission verse!  :)  Today I was asked to think about what I respect about my husband and how that respect helps me to submit to him.  As a bible believing christian I know how important this verse is.  The man should lead his family spiritually.  That is what I respect about Cory, how he leads us.  Cory is quick to lead family prayers, praying for our meals, night time prayers, and special needs prayers.  I love how Cory models praying for our children and allows them the chance to pray for different things and rejoices with us in our prayers.  Cory is the spiritual leader in our house by reminding us of God's words, showing example of missions in the church and in our community, and taking leadership in ministry.

Other reasons I respect my husband.  Cory has always respected me.  He has never talked down to me or brought physical harm upon me.  He always tells me why he loves and shows me with his actions.  And of course, as I have said many times before I love him and respect him for the father that he is to our children.

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

State of Attraction

Today's verse: "Behold you are handsome, my beloved! Yes, pleasant!..." Song of Solomon 1:16

Today's challenge was, do you let your husband know that you still admire him and/or are attracted to him.  Sometimes we forget how we once felt.  I dug out some old letters from high school and college that he had written me and that I had written him!  Wow were we crazy in love!!!  That love isn't gone, just more under control!!

I like to think that I remind Cory that I am still attracted to him but now that I am aware of that need I am complimenting him more on things.  My favorite characteristic of Cory is his smiles... there is more then one smile.  I love the shy smile when he is embarrassed by something, I love the smile when he is almost to the punch line in a joke, I love the smile when he looks at me and all you see is love, I love the smile he gets on stage when he is worshiping the Lord with his guitar, but most of all I love to watch him as he watches our children and that smile is pure joy!!!

A non-physical characteristic of Cory's that attracted me to him and still does is his humor.  Those who know me know how important humor is to me.  I love watching other people as they observe the way we act together.  My mom is convinced Cory and I speak an entirely unique language together... mainly consisting of random movie quotes and laughter.  Cory can't hold in a joke no matter how inappropriate the timing is!!  One of my favorite qualities is that he is IMPOSSIBLE to fight with because he is too quick to crack a joke that I have to laugh at.  You can't fight when you are smiling!!

I love Cory for the way he makes me smile!!  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Listen to his heart...

Today's verse: " swift to hear, slow to speak..." James 1:19b

Today's challenge is to listen more to your husband.  Ask him questions about something he enjoys and just listen to his responses. I love to see how excited Cory gets about guitar, gigs, and paintball.  I never ask questions about it or listen much because I don't get it!!  I am trying to change that and listen more and delight in the conversations because it is important to him.

Short and sweet today! Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Loving only me...

Today's verse: "...but who can find a faithful man?" Prov. 20:6b

Fidelity is the topic today.  I have to say that I love Cory and he has never strayed from our promise to each other.  The only other women in his life is Lennon and Lucy (a guitar!)

I know how the world pushes sins such as adultery.  The world tells us that we need to act on emotions or that you can have a relationship with someone else because of a strong emotion.  I don't wake up everyday in love with my husband and I know he doesn't always love me.  A marriage is something that both husband and wife have to work at every day.  Emotions is no reason to spoil a relationship.  Emotions fade and what you have left is a true relationship that has to weather the storm.  Cory talks to me all the time.  We can discuss issues and joke about them later because he has taught me how important communication is.  I love that I can tell him what is bothering me and we can deal with it.  The world tells us that someone else might understand us better and we leave relationships for that.  Communication has kept us from that.  Thank you Cory for only loving me!!

Thanks for reading!!  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Financial Peace!

Today's verses: "Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease!...for riches
certainly make themselves wings..." Prov. 23:4-5
"That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries."
Proverbs 8:21

Today the challenge was to encourage your husband if/when he does the finances, a financial decision that he has made, and/or the way he handles money.

Cory and I took a class at our church very early in our marriage called Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey.  During this class we learned about the importance of a budget and how to stay out of debt.  We will have been married 6 years this July and we have NO credit card debt!!!  We only have 3 loans out and the are for our education, home, and car!!!  Don't get me wrong we have made HORRIBLE financial choices but we made them together and learned from them.  We laugh because every year we get each other an anniversary card and every year it says, When we have money I will buy you...  I love being broke with Cory and I love being rich with him!!  God has truly blessed us and we know that one day we will live in riches.

Thank you for reading!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

His AMAZING gifts

Today's verse: "...whatever ye do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Cor. 10:31b

Today's challenge is to find your husbands creativity and recognize and appreciate it, especially in public to others.

Today is easy... it is something I already do most everyday!  Cory has an amazing gift, guitar, and I love to see him use that gift.  I can't wait until our kids are old enough to watch their Daddy worship the Lord on stage at church using his gift.  Here is a link to him playing if you haven't heard him.

Since I already know how amazing Cory is music wise I decided to make myself look at other creative gifts or hobbies he likes.  The challenge asks if you ever criticize or demean his efforts.  I don't with his music but paintball is another story.  I love that he has a group of guys to go with that all have the same Godlike mindset, but I gripe  A LOT about paintball.  My goal for myself is to lay off!!!  Cory is going to a long weekend game this week with his entire team.  It is the tournament that they all look forward to each year.  I haven't nagged him to stay home because the kids and I are leaving too but I have nagged him not to spend any money and have been making little comments about it daily.  He leaves tonight so I am only going to make positive comments and I know how happy it makes him and how much fun he has!!  Paintball for him is more then dressing in camo and sitting in the woods.  It is time to do something for himself with other guys.  It is also a ministry.  He has made so many contacts with our youth group by taking them out.  Paintball can teach a lot about the character of a Christian and really gives Cory and the other men on the team a time demonstrate those characteristics to others on their teams but especially to those on the other teams.  What an awesome way to show God's love.

Thanks for reading and as I said earlier Cory is leaving tonight and I am leaving on Thursday so I will continue on Monday with day 7.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Nothing but kind words!

Todays verse: "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Eph. 4:29

Todays challenge is again to remind wives to build your husband up to others.  I have been doing wonderful at this in passing to friends and really becoming aware of what I say... not that I ever had a bad thing to say about my husband :)  The challenge went a bit deeper today and said that I should contact my MIL and tell her how much and why I love her son.  The bond between a mother and son is a very strong bond and it is important that his family know how much you love their son.  One the other hand you should also explain to your father why and how much you love your husband.  I know personally how strong a bond is with a girl and her Daddy.  He needs to know that the man who is now taking care of you and the grand babies is a man worthy of the task.  It is hard for parents to let go of their children but that can be easier if parents know the ones that they are letting their children go to.

How did I do this??  Well when I call my MIL we ALWAYS start gabbing and get way off track!!!  (Were women, what else can I say!!)  So I decided to e-mail her.  As I began I realized that this may take days to accomplish since finding the right words is harder then I thought.  Emotions are strong and I can't find the words that compare!!  I then figured out that My Dad is also getting an e-mail for the same reasons!!  I have been crying for an hour trying to write one!!!  It is amazing how much love your heart can hold and how much stronger that love becomes when you see your husband transform into a father!  I hope you all do this too, even if you never send the letters/e-mails, try and write one.  I think this would be a wonderful thing to do if you are a mother who has already given your son to another... write to your MIL with the experience you already have.

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hope for the jobless

Today's verse: "...let him labor, working with his hands what is good..." Eph. 4:28

This really hit home with our current situation.  Today's challenge is to not take your husband's work for granted and making yourself more aware of "dumping" on him when he gets home late from work.  Why did this hit me so hard??  Cory has been job hunting for months now.  As most of you know he worked at a private school knowing that he wouldn't receive any pay during the summer months and that he needed to find something.  Well now that school is out and he has received his last paycheck he still doesn't have another job to return to.  I now know how much I have taken Cory's work for granted.  Cory has always had a job, whether it paid good or just had awesome hours, he has always worked.  Prayers are being prayed and answered now right before our eyes!!

Cory has had 2 awesome interviews and callbacks.  Now we are at the point of choice and praying now and stressing now because we have a choice!!  Isn't God amazing that he knows the desires of our hearts and he is interested in our desires!?  Now as we prepare for Cory to go back to work it is my job to never take that job for granted even when his work, takes him out of our home on weekends, leaves him too tired to stay up and talk with me, may cause him to run late to important things.  I can let these things go because I know that my husband loves me and his family and he would never intensionally hurt us by not making time for us.  Instead he loves us so much that he is giving up things he normally wouldn't so that he can better provide for us!!
Thanks for reading!!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Love is kind

Today's verses: " suffers long, and is kind..." 1 Cor. 13:4
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19

Today the challenge is more of a longer challenge, don't say anything negative to your husband or about your husband.  It is so easy for me to let my words loose!  I saw a decorative wall hanging yesterday at a shop that said, "Lord please put your arm around my shoulder and your hand on my mouth."  How true that is for my life!! I don't know why but it is easier to let your words hurt those that are closes to us.  I need to let my words be kind if I expect my husband to respond the same way.  Cory is so good about not speaking until he has thought about the words he wants to use.  This irritates me because sometimes I just want to fight!!!  Today I am thanking Cory for that quality!

Part two of todays challenge was to encourage your husband to show more compassion when dealing with things in our lives that we as women tend to get emotional about.  Cory has always been pretty good about letting me be emotional and not poking fun or hurting me by not understanding.

The 2nd verse is to remind us that we are married to earthly men that are affected by sin the same way we are.  We cannot rely on them to supply our needs only God can do that.  We put too much pressure on men and the responsibilities that they have.  We  have seen so much extra stress in our marriage over the past month while Cory is job hunting.  His hunt has had doors closed and even slammed in his face and that has led him to feel stressed.  God is our provider and He is the only one who can supply our needs!!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 2...

Todays verse: "...through love serve one another." Gal. 5:13.  Todays challenge was to thank my husband for his help around the house and his service to our family with the "honey do" list.

Today I took my son and a friend's daughter to the city with me all day and Cory cleaned the house for me!!  (As much as he could while watching a 3 month old!!")  Needless to say today was not much a challenge since I came in very excited to see what all he had done.  I also had to praise him for always cooking dinner for our family!!  We will have been married 6 years in July and I have only cooked one meal during that time!!!  I was not blessed the gift to cook... Cory loves to cook for us!!  I have so much to be thankful for in the way Cory serves us through his love for our family.

Also the link to this challenge that I am doing is at the bottom of the blog under Link Love.  Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Blog!!!

I am starting this blog today because I started a 30 day challenge and wanted to share!  I am starting a 30 day marriage challenge that is intended for wives to show their husbands how much they love and mean to them.  I will not pretend to be an expert on being married or staying married, all I know is that I have been married almost 6 years and have 2 beautiful children and want to express my gratitude to my husband in a biblical way.

Today was day 1 and the verse was, "The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Prov. 31:11-12.

The challenge today was to express to my husband today how thankful I am that we are together and that somewhere along the way he chose me!  In the car on our way to a friends 2nd birthday party I told him how happy I was to have him and that we are able to raise our kids together.  I know, and he knows, that I couldn't do it alone.  I then thanked him that our relationship goes beyond physical attraction and I know this because of what we went through before we got married.  We had a horrible break up and awkward time getting back together before our marriage!!  I don't think God for him everyday but I am so thankful for him and I pray that this challenge helps me to thank God for him everyday!!