Monday, March 10, 2014

Debt so far... is being caged!

Well we started our debt snowball as I had mentioned in my earlier post here.  We have cut out a lot of unnecessary spending and have written and rewritten our monthly budgets over and over so that we cut out exactly what we needed to.

I have had a metal bird cage as decoration since our wedding 8.5 years ago.  During our wedding our guests put their cards in it at the gift table and it had tulle and a small metal sign that said 'Just Married' on it.  I then used it as decor in our home in many different ways.  When Little Miss was born we filled it with felt owls that a friend had made as shower decorations and used it in her bedroom.  As the kids have gotten a little older the decorations of their rooms have changed, which means that the cage had no purpose.  So now we are CAGING our debt!  We keep our budget and different accounts on paper in a binder (tithe, allowance, different bills, etc each get their own page and we keep a record of how much $ is credit or debited out of it.)  As we have paid off a debt we tear that paper out of the binder, crumple it up, and toss it in the bird cage!  

We are now have 4 crumpled papers in the cage.  One of them was our hospital bill for Little Miss.  She was born early and spent a week in the hospital as did I.  This bill took us 3 years to pay off!!  Success finally came and to celebrate we let her toss that paper in.

Then we had another one paid off and so it only seemed right to let G Man do the honors!!

We are slowly making our way to being debt free!  The lifestyle we are leading is not a normal or even understandable one for many people.  But the stress of "making ends meet" has already been lifted with just 4 small debts out of the way and we are now on our way to some bigger debts and getting them out of the way!  We live on a tiny monthly amount compared to what we were but it IS TEMPORARY and will prayerfully be free from the bondage of debt by the summer of 2015!!  We would covet your prayers for the sell of our vehicle and camper as that will put us one GIANT step closer to being debt free by our goal.  Thanks!

30th Birthday Celebration

My husbands 30th birthday was last month and I had a blast getting together with family and friends to celebrate his life.  I created a slideshow in Google Drive that was showing throughout the party and then decorated using things we found in the front yard!  (Sticks, dirt, pine cones, etc.) My sweet friend let me borrow her burlap and mason jars to create the perfect masculine decor.  I love this man with every part of my heart!!  I also love doing big parties (even though I stress myself out and my mother too!) so to show him how much I love love love him I wanted to put this together so he could spend this important day with people that care for him!

We had some yummy food thanks to my Mama and brother.  BBQ sandwiches and a nacho bar!

The birthday boy with his desserts!

My sweet Mama made his favorite dessert PIE!!  Even better she made mini pies!

Table center piece!

Couldn't resist!