Monday, February 27, 2012

Who I am

I am Tabitha.  I can be described as many things.  I strive to be a peacemaker.  I love being around people and talking to people.  I desire friendships but get uncomfortable when conflict arises.  I am a Christian.  I was saved by the blood of Christ not because I deserved it but because He loved me.  I pray every night for my children to know Christ as their savior as well.  I pray this because it is my heart's desire but also because I selfishly want to know them in my eternal life.  My biggest fear is losing one of my children.  I cry when I think about how much love I have in my heart for my children.  I am a wife.  I love my husband more now then I ever have.  I can be meanest to my husband.  I married my best friend.  I love joking and goofing around with my husband.  My life is full of humor and there is never a dull moment.  I have family who love me and care for me so much that they will do anything for me and have proven that time and time again.  I am a Christ follower... I am not a perfect person, wife, mother, or friend.  I follow a perfect Savior.  I try everyday to reflect His love through my life and rest peacefully in the fact that He loves me and will forgive my shortcomings.  I pray that my life makes a difference to God's eternal kingdom more than my name being remembered on this Earth that shall pass away.